Chapter: Wages and Salary Administration

Which are the three types of equities mentioned in the equity theory?

A. internal
B. external
C. individual
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

_____ involves the perceived fairness of pay differentials.

A. external equity
B. individual equity
C. internal equity
D. all of the above
Answer» C. internal equity

Who are the two main stakeholders in an organisation?

A. ceo and top management
B. employers and employees
C. executives and owners
D. none of the above
Answer» B. employers and employees

Which of these is an internal factor influencing remuneration?

A. business strategy
B. cost of living
C. legislations
D. society
Answer» A. business strategy

Which of the following is a challenge mentioned in remuneration?

A. employee participation
B. pay secrecy
C. comparable worth
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Under which conditions does skill - based pay system work well?

A. employee turnover is relatively high
B. to set minimum wages for workers whose bargaining position is weak
C. to abolish malpractices and abuses in wage and salary payments
D. none of the above
Answer» A. employee turnover is relatively high

Which of the wage concept is higher than fair wage?

A. minimum wage
B. living wage
C. team based pay
D. none of the above
Answer» B. living wage

Effective supervision is an activity of

A. organization function
B. staffing function
C. control function
D. direction function
Answer» D. direction function

Off the Job Training Method consists

A. role playing method
B. case study method
C. programmed training
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which is the Human Relation Policy?

A. open communication
B. common interest
C. mutual acceptance
D. all of the above
Answer» A. open communication

In job-evaluation the Key Jobs are designated as ones

A. which are more in number in the organisation.
B. which are most important for the survival of the organisation
C. which are most secure
D. all of the above
Answer» B. which are most important for the survival of the organisation

---------- is the process of deciding how to fill the company's most important executive positions.

A. succession planning
B. organisational restructuring
C. self directed teams
D. corporate downsizing
Answer» A. succession planning

Compensation can be _____ benefits.

A. monetary
B. non-monetary
C. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both ‘a’ and ‘b’

Wages represents _____ rates of pay.

A. hourly
B. daily
C. weekly
D. monthly
Answer» A. hourly

______ are also called ‘payments by results’.

A. allowances
B. claims
C. incentives
D. fringe benefits
Answer» C. incentives

Incentives depends upon

A. productivity
B. sales
C. profits
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The following is paid only at the time of employees exit after serving more than five years.

A. perquisites
B. claims
C. gratuity
D. allowances
Answer» C. gratuity

The following is a perquisites.

A. club membership
B. provident fund
C. medical allowance
D. group insurance
Answer» A. club membership

‘A behaviour which has rewarding experience is likely to be repeated’ is postulated by

A. reinforcement and expectancy theory
B. equity theory
C. agency theory
D. none of the above
Answer» A. reinforcement and expectancy theory

‘A fair day work for fair day pay’ denotes a sense of _______ felt by employees.

A. responsibility
B. equity
C. happiness
D. respect
Answer» B. equity

The remuneration system needs to meet the following type(s) of equity.

A. internal
B. external
C. individual
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following factor influence(s) employee compensation?

A. labour market
B. cost of living
C. labour unions
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Any compensation plan must be

A. understandable, workable, acceptable
B. reasonable, workable, acceptable
C. understandable, feasible, acceptable
D. understandable, workable, compensable
Answer» A. understandable, workable, acceptable

The following is not a part of remuneration model

A. job description
B. job evaluation
C. job hierarchy
D. job analysis
Answer» D. job analysis

Elitist remuneration systems are prevalent among

A. well established firms
B. companies with mature products
C. companies with limited competition
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

In organized industrial establishments pay review takes place once in ____ years.

A. three
B. seven
C. ten
D. fifteen
Answer» A. three
Chapter: Grievance and discipline

Grievance redressal, discipline, collective bargaining are_______________ of HRM.

A. integration function
B. procurement function
C. development function
D. behavioural function
Answer» A. integration function

Concept of MBO was first developed by

A. peter drucker
B. douglas mcgregor
C. henry fayol
D. clayton p. alderfer
Answer» A. peter drucker

Industrial discipline ordinarily does not imply

A. observance of company’s rules and regulations
B. cooperating with management and co-workers
C. active participation in union activities
D. smooth discharge of duties and responsibilities
Answer» C. active participation in union activities

Which is a form of participative management?

A. information-sharing
B. associative participation
C. consultative participation
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Social factor having a potent bearing on HRM practices in India includes

A. caste system
B. doctrine of karma
C. customs and traditions
D. all of the above
Answer» A. caste system

The objectives of workers’ participation in management do not ordinarily include

A. promotion of collective bargaining
B. promotion of industrial harmony
C. promotion of industrial democracy
D. promotion of productivity
Answer» A. promotion of collective bargaining

Which form of participative management promotes “semi-autonomous work-groups”?

A. quality of work life
B. quality circle
C. tqm
D. quality group
Answer» C. tqm

Industrial action generally does not include

A. strike
B. lock-out
C. demonstration
D. bandh
Answer» D. bandh

A team is evaluated on features like –

A. co-operation / confrontation avoiding / common objectives
B. openness of view and unwritten procedure systems
C. regular review / appropriate leadership
D. all above
Answer» D. all above

Human due diligence means investigation of –

A. management team / staff
B. structure / issues / managerial capacity of a potential partner
C. both (a) + (b)
D. financial due diligence
Answer» C. both (a) + (b)

What influences the bank employees’ attitude on work culture?

A. educational qualification
B. ownership of bank
C. location of the branch
D. all above
Answer» D. all above

Employee accountability is strengthens in

A. hr audit
B. hr training
C. succession planning
D. hr functions
Answer» A. hr audit

The main barriers of communications are –

A. organisational + semantic
B. personal + psychological + resistance to new ideas
C. both (a) + (b)
D. organisational / psychological
Answer» C. both (a) + (b)

Promotion is basically a reward for –

A. efficiency
B. seniority
C. physical fitness
D. retention
Answer» A. efficiency

Competency Mapping is possible through approaches like –

A. job analysis / workforce skills analysis / supply and demand analysis
B. job analysis / gap analysis / solution analysis
C. gap analysis / solution analysis + (a)
D. both (a) + (b)
Answer» C. gap analysis / solution analysis + (a)

According to Briggs (1981) effectiveness in grievance handling exists where the procedure facilitates:

A. openness and honesty
B. conflict management and agreement clarification
C. the ability to handle individual and collective disputes through the same procedure
D. an easy movement (where necessary) to disciplinary procedures
Answer» B. conflict management and agreement clarification

The term industrial relations means –

A. relationship between management and labour
B. relationship between organisation and employees
C. relationship that grows out of employment
D. all above
Answer» D. all above

Collective bargaining is a procedure regulated by agreements between their –

A. bargaining agents and employers
B. employees and employees
C. employers and employers
D. labour officer and trade unions
Answer» A. bargaining agents and employers

When any discipline becomes ineffective or less-effective?

A. longer time spending in action
B. discipline is handled impersonally
C. aware of rules and performance criteria
D. only (a) and (b)
Answer» D. only (a) and (b)

Lockout is a weapon available to –

A. employees
B. trade unions
C. employers
D. government
Answer» C. employers

How the conflicts within employers and employees can be settled or prevented?

A. voluntary method
B. government machinery
C. statutory measures
D. all above
Answer» D. all above

The word workers participation in management means –

A. sharing the decision making powers
B. sharing the decision making with lower results of the employees
C. sharing the day to day working with higher ranks of persons
D. sharing the financial decision making powers with representative of workers
Answer» B. sharing the decision making with lower results of the employees

What is the role of the trade-union in collective bargaining?

A. to protect jobs and real earnings
B. better conditions of work life for workers
C. fighting against any possible, exploitations
D. all above
Answer» D. all above
Chapter: Human Resource Development

               is a process of developing skills, competencies and knowledge of employees.

A. Human Relations Management
B. Human Resource Development
C. Human Resource Accounting
D. Human Resource Planning
Answer» B. Human Resource Development

             is a method of training wherein employees are transferred from one job to another.

A. Counseling
B. Simulation
C. Job Rotation
D. case Study
Answer» C. Job Rotation

Conferences and Seminars are               method of training and development.

A. On the Job
B. Off the Job
C. Personal
D. Public
Answer» B. Off the Job

                             is a process of identifying and developing new leaders to replace old leaders when they leave or retire

A. Leadership planning
B. Succession Deed
C. Succession Planning
D. Career Planning
Answer» C. Succession Planning

In the process of mentoring, the experienced and senior person is known as

A. Trainee
B. Trainer
C. Mentor
D. Mentee
Answer» C. Mentor

is discussion with an employee of a problem that usually has emotional content in order to help the employee cope with it better

A. Morale
B. Motivation
C. Leadership
D. Counseling
Answer» D. Counseling

For effective counseling,                               is required on the part of counselor

A. Listen Patiently
B. Be inflexible
C. Be Judgemental
D. All of these
Answer» A. Listen Patiently

In technique of counseling, the Counsellor and counselee both are jointly responsible for solving the

A. Directive
B. Non-Directive
C. Participative
D. None of these
Answer» C. Participative

                             is the process of coaching or guiding the subordinate

A. Mentoring
B. Appraising
C. Selection
D. Recrutiment
Answer» A. Mentoring

                   occurs when the rater evaluates the employee on the basis of one negative quality

A. Employment Test
B. Succession Planning
C. Horn Effect
D. Innovation
Answer» C. Horn Effect
Chapter: Human Relations

                   is a mental condition or attitude of individuals & groups which determines their willingness to cooperate.

A. Grievance
B. Leadership
C. Morale
D. Mentoring
Answer» C. Morale

Employees health & safety measures consist of .

A. Fire Protection
B. Protective Clothing
C. Safety Education
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

             is the ability to secure desired actions from subordinates to achieve common objectives.

A. Planning
B. Leadership
C. Performance appraisal
D. Employee welfare
Answer» B. Leadership

                               leaders motivate and empower employees to achieve company's goals.

A. Transactional
B. Autocratic
C. Transformational
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» C. Transformational

                           is an element of Vroom's theory of motivation

A. Hygiene
B. Valence
C. ego & esteem
D. growth
Answer» B. Valence

                       Theory of motivation states that people are basically lazy and dislike work.

A. Theory T
B. Theory X
C. Theory Y
D. Theory Z
Answer» B. Theory X

                 is the basic need in Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory.

A. Esteem
B. Social
C. Physiological
D. None of these
Answer» C. Physiological

Theory Y is based on features of human character.

A. Positive
B. Modern
C. New
D. Negative
Answer» A. Positive

Employee welfare measures include             facilities.

A. Canteen
B. Rest rooms
C. Transport
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

                   style of leadership gets work done by offering rewards & punishments

A. Laissez Faire
B. Paternalistic
C. Transformational
D. Transactional
Answer» D. Transactional

                                Theory of motivation assumes that people are active and responsible at work

A. Theory X
B. Theory Y
C. Pink theory
D. Vroom’s theory
Answer» B. Theory Y

           need refers to the need for acceptance, love & care

A. ego & esteem
B. social
C. safety
D. physiological
Answer» B. social

           is an element of Emotional Quotient

A. Self awareness
B. Self management
C. relationship management
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

                           helps to improve emotional & spiritual quotient

A. Yoga
B. meditation
C. training
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these
Chapter: Trends in Human Resource Management

             means reducing the size of manpower in the organization.

A. Degrading
B. Downsizing
C. Outsourcing
D. Recruiting
Answer» B. Downsizing

Workforce has created new challenges for human resource management

A. Uniformity
B. Diversity
C. Equality
D. Regularity
Answer» B. Diversity

           is the gradual reduction in the workforce through resignation, retirement and death.

A. Absenteeism
B. Attrition
C. Outsourcing
D. Transfer
Answer» B. Attrition

               competencies refer to key areas of expertise.

A. Organizational
B. Core
C. Technical
D. Formal
Answer» B. Core

Generation ………….includes persons born between 1979 and 1999.

A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
Answer» C. Y

Flexible working practices include           

A. no job sharing
B. Fixed hours
C. Work from home
D. Work at office only
Answer» C. Work from home

Employee ---------- refers to giving employees autonomy and responsibility for decision making

A. Empowerment
B. Absenteeism
C. Engagement
D. Enthusiasm
Answer» A. Empowerment

Absenteeism is caused by .

A. Job satisfaction
B. high morale
C. Low morale
D. Fair Remuneration
Answer» C. Low morale

………………….is an integrated system used to gather, store and analyse information regarding employees.

A. Financial Resource Accounting
B. Marketing Information System
C. Human Resource Information System
D. Human Resource Development
Answer» C. Human Resource Information System

The sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, prohibition and redressal)Act was passed in ---------

A. 1983
B. 2003
C. 2013
D. 2015
Answer» C. 2013

………………..employment is a system of working for a fixed number of hours with the starting and finishing timings within the agreed limits.

A. Flexitime
B. Temporary
C. Part-time
D. Full-time
Answer» A. Flexitime

Employee………… the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs and are committed to their work.

A. Frustration
B. Engagement
C. recognition
D. reward
Answer» B. Engagement

………………competencies refer to specific skills related to a job

A. Technical
B. Behavioural
C. functional
D. human
Answer» C. functional

Competency ……………… a process of identifying key competencies required for undertaking organisational tasks.

A. Mapping
B. Scaling
C. Tasking
D. Learning
Answer» A. Mapping

Employee …………………... refers to a gradual reduction in workforce without firing employees.

A. Turnover
B. Attrition
C. Downsizing
D. Removal
Answer» B. Attrition

……………………...popularized the concept of learning organisation through his book ‘The Fifth Discipline.

A. Peter Senge
B. Peter Drucker
C. Philip Kotler
D. F.W. Taylor
Answer» A. Peter Senge

Innovative culture is the work…………….that managers encourage to nurture and develop to generate innovative ideas.

A. problem
B. environment
C. rules
D. issues
Answer» B. environment

………………..refers to planned elimination of positions or jobs.

A. Termination
B. Downsizing
C. Upsizing
D. Selection
Answer» B. Downsizing

                         organisation provides autonomy to the employees.

A. Innovative
B. Line
C. Matrix
D. Autocratic
Answer» A. Innovative
Chapter: Nature and Scope

Human resource evolved around mid – 90s from the

A. Concept of human relations
B. Concept of personnel management
C. Concept of organizational behavior
D. Neither of these
Answer» B. Concept of personnel management

HRM is concerned with ……………………. In organization, with the focus on company’s policies, strategies, procedures and system in order to attain the business objectives in an effective and efficient manner.

A. Managing the people
B. Managing the machinery
C. Managing finance
D. Managing everything
Answer» A. Managing the people

‘HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees and of attending to their labour relations, health and safety and fairness concerns’. Mention the speaker:

A. David A. Decenzo and S.P. Robbins
B. Gary Dessler
C. Edwin B. Flippo
D. W.Scmidt
Answer» B. Gary Dessler

Which one is not a nature of HRM?

A. Multidisciplinary approach
B. Continuous function
C. Backward- looking approach
D. Developmental approach
Answer» C. Backward- looking approach

Which of the following is not a scope of HRM

A. Compensation, remuneration and other benefits
B. Training and development
C. Personnel records
D. Job analysis
Answer» C. Personnel records

The nature of HRM includes

A. Coordinating force
B. Attention for individual growth
C. forward- looking approach
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The scope of HRM includes

A. Training and development
B. Performance appraisal
C. Job evaluation
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

to ensure a safe and healthy working environment that will add positively to the efficiency level of the employees.

A. is an importance of HRM
B. is an objective of HRM
C. Is a scope of HRM
D. Both of the above
Answer» B. is an objective of HRM
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