
880+ more mcqs Solved MCQs

in Human Resource Management (HRM)

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer Applications (BBA [CA]) , Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) , Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management (BBA HRM) , Bachelor of Tourism Studies (BTS) .


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Job is the structure the job in terms of content, functions &

A. Design
B. Deal
C. Opportunity
D. Perfirmance
Answer» A. Design

movement of employees in respect of job

A. Promotion
B. Transfer
C. Selection
D. Induction
Answer» B. Transfer

External source of recruitment includes .

A. transfer
B. former employees
C. advertisements
D. present employees
Answer» C. advertisements

                        interviews are conducted as per the rules and practices.

A. Informal
B. Stress
C. Formal
D. Questionnaire
Answer» C. Formal

A carefuly designed job will make it more                          and satisfying.

A. interesting
B. mundane
C. demanding
D. boring
Answer» A. interesting

                       leads to horizontal expansion in the job.

A. Job simplification
B. Job rotation
C. Job enlargement
D. Job analysis
Answer» C. Job enlargement

                       test is conducted to judge specific talent or skill to handle a particular type of job

A. Interest
B. Intelligence
C. Aptitude
D. Excellence
Answer» C. Aptitude

Job title and Working conditions of a job are included in .

A. job description
B. job specification
C. job rotation
D. job evaluation
Answer» A. job description

                       involves shifting the employees from one job to another

A. Apprenticeship
B. Coaching
C. Understudy
D. Job rotation
Answer» D. Job rotation

                            is an internal source of recruitment.

A. Press advertisement
B. Promotion
C. Employment exchange
D. All of these
Answer» B. Promotion

                          is an external source of recrutment.

A. job portals
B. Promotion
C. Retired managers
D. recalls
Answer» A. job portals

                 comes before selection.

A. Placement
B. Recruitment
C. Training
D. Performance Appraisal
Answer» B. Recruitment

                     is a E- selection technique

A. Test
B. reference check
C. key word search
D. Initial screening
Answer» C. key word search

Which is the part of planning and development

A. Organizational planning
B. Manpower planning
C. Training
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

_____________________is the study of people as individuals and in groups of relationships between individual and groups

A. Financial management
B. Wages
C. Manpower planning
D. Industrial psychology
Answer» D. Industrial psychology

Human resource management includes

A. Morale
B. Leadership
C. Job enrichment
D. Recruitment
Answer» D. Recruitment

Which one of the following does not include under the function of human resource management

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Recruitment
D. Profitability
Answer» D. Profitability

Selection includes

A. Framing & developing application blanks
B. Checking of references
C. Formulating interviewing technique
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Recruitment deals with

A. Identification of existing source of applicants and developing them
B. Creation of new source of applicants
C. All of these
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Training involves

A. Identification of training needs of individual and the company
B. Developing suitable training programme
C. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programme
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Job design is affected by

A. Organizational, environmental & behavioral factors
B. Process
C. Study
D. Price
Answer» A. Organizational, environmental & behavioral factors

Process of manpower planning consists

A. Forecasting
B. Development implementation
C. Controlling
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Utility of job analysis includes

A. Selection of employee
B. Recruitment of employee
C. Work study
D. Training of employee
Answer» C. Work study

Job enlargement expands the number of related tasks in the

A. Job
B. Work
C. Identity
D. Range
Answer» A. Job

Training information system includes

A. Annual Review of years training plans
B. Monthly review of budget and plans
C. Real time review of specific projects
D. All of these
Answer» A. Annual Review of years training plans

Horizontal job rotation refer to

A. Lateral transfer
B. Lateral promotion
C. Lateral motivation
D. All of these
Answer» A. Lateral transfer

Job enrichment

A. Includes job enlargement
B. Includes salary hike
C. Is a concept promoted by McClelland and Mcgregor
D. Includes some of planning and control necessary job accomplishment
Answer» D. Includes some of planning and control necessary job accomplishment

Manpower planning involves all of the following accept

A. Organizing and training the staff
B. Estimating future personnel department
C. Monitoring the quality of the product
D. Preparing and maintaining personnel records
Answer» C. Monitoring the quality of the product

The origin of personnel management was an outcome of

A. Welfare workers
B. Legislation relating factory Reform
C. The govt. notification
D. The work of 19th century social reformers and employee
Answer» A. Welfare workers

3600 feedback involves appraisal by

A. Line managers
B. Subordinate
C. Superiors
D. Anyone who is directly in contact with appraisee
Answer» D. Anyone who is directly in contact with appraisee

HRM aims at maximizing employees as well as organizational

A. Effectiveness
B. Efficiency
C. Economy
D. Performance
Answer» A. Effectiveness

HRM function does not include

A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Training
D. Cost-control
Answer» D. Cost-control

Job analysis involves

A. Job description and job specification
B. Job enlargement and job description
C. Job specification and job order
D. Job satisfaction and job enrichment
Answer» A. Job description and job specification

Which of the following are the operative function human resource management

A. Organizing
B. Directing
C. Coordinating
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

____________________evaluates the job and not the job holder

A. Job evaluation
B. Job description
C. Job specification
D. None of these
Answer» A. Job evaluation

__________________is prepared on the basis of job description

A. Job specification
B. Job description
C. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
D. None of these
Answer» A. Job specification

The concept of _________________________is to select people out of those who response to the demand of the organization through the various advertising sources

A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Induction
D. None of these
Answer» A. Recruitment

In this modern business world with new HR practices, there is a shift in the nature ,of contract between employees and

A. Employer
B. Employee
C. Union
D. None of these
Answer» B. Employee

Manpower planning is a __________________process because it not only analyze the current human resource but also makes manpower forecasts to draw employment programme

A. One phased
B. Two phased
C. Three phased
D. Four phased
Answer» C. Three phased

___________________is the process of searching the candidate for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization

A. Induction
B. Training
C. Recruitment
D. Selection
Answer» C. Recruitment

The simplest method for job evaluation is ________________method in which job are arranged from highest to lowest order in terms of their value or merit to the organization

A. Paired comparison method
B. Ranking method
Answer» B. Ranking method

Experience ,education, skills and knowledge are the main components of ____________, which need to be specified

A. Job specification
B. Job analysis
C. Job description
D. None of these
Answer» A. Job specification

________________can be defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied workforce

A. Human resource management
B. Industrial relations
C. Organizational management
D. Personnel management
Answer» D. Personnel management

The purpose of ____________________is to establish the document the “job relatedness” of employment procedures such as training ,selection, compensation and performance appraisal

A. Induction
B. Job description
C. Job specification
D. Job analysis
Answer» D. Job analysis

Which of the following performance appraisal method, rates the appraise on various parameters on a point scale?

A. Critical incident method
B. MBO method
C. Graphic rating method
D. Bell curve method
Answer» C. Graphic rating method

Which one of the following is not important features of effective training plan

A. Shorter learning line
B. Lower cost per participant
C. Reduced travel cost
D. Going far flung places
Answer» D. Going far flung places

Total training cost include

A. Participants on going salaries
B. Overheads during training
C. Cost of R & D in training needs analysis
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

Off the job training is given

A. Outside the factory gate
B. In-the classroom
C. On the working days in the factory
D. None of above
Answer» A. Outside the factory gate

Which of the following is not a method of on-the job training method

A. Understudy
B. Simulation
C. Job instruction
D. Committee assignment
Answer» D. Committee assignment

Principals of training evaluation are

A. Clarity
B. Reliability
C. Validity
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

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