
880+ more mcqs Solved MCQs

in Human Resource Management (HRM)

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer Applications (BBA [CA]) , Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) , Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management (BBA HRM) , Bachelor of Tourism Studies (BTS) .


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Welfare is associated …… in HRM

A. Staff
B. product
C. service
D. role
Answer» A. Staff

Recreation is more closed to

A. Fringe benefits
B. Group
C. Bank
D. Nature
Answer» A. Fringe benefits

Work participation in management means

A. Duty
B. employee involvement
C. security
D. risk
Answer» B. employee involvement

Participation can be in the form of

A. Collective bargaining
B. Risk
C. wages
D. rating
Answer» A. Collective bargaining

On the job training programme is a method of

A. Selection
B. training Programme
C. appraisal
D. report
Answer» B. training Programme

Ranking method is a

A. Salary
B. performance appraisal
C. task
D. survey
Answer» B. performance appraisal

Critical incident method is method of

A. Performance appraisal
B. Promotion
C. Laws
D. Market
Answer» A. Performance appraisal

Need of association is a

A. moral need
B. social need
C. problem
D. conflict
Answer» B. social need

Non financial motivation is

A. Job rotation
B. Promotion
C. Work
D. separation
Answer» A. Job rotation

Job factors includes

A. Suspension
B. wages
C. salary
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Disciplinary action is

A. Lay off
B. Promotion
C. activity
D. right
Answer» A. Lay off

Method of merit rating is

A. point Method
B. ranking procedure
C. Grading Method
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The term ………. Refers to a condition in the organization where employee conducts themselves in accordance with the organizations rules and standards of acceptable behavior.

A. Grievance
B. conflict
C. discipline
D. none of these
Answer» C. discipline

Under this approach every employee of an organization is considered as a human resource.

A. Human resource
B. Human relation
C. judicial
D. group
Answer» C. judicial

The code of Discipline was evolved at the Indian Labour Conference in ……….

A. 1958
B. 1961
C. 1948
D. 1921
Answer» A. 1958

Quality circle concept was originated in

B. China
C. India
D. japan
Answer» D. japan

Grievance procedures are based on the principle of natural justice

A. Justice
B. principle
C. Procedure
D. commitment
Answer» A. Justice

…………..It is concerned with the determination os the number of personnel required in an organization.

A. Human resource planning
B. Job analysis
C. Motivation
D. Human welfare
Answer» A. Human resource planning

Labour welfare aims at providing such service facilities and amenities which enables a worker to perform their work in healthy atmosphere

A. Human welfare
B. Health and safety
C. Industrial relations
D. motivation
Answer» A. Human welfare

The task of assigning duties and fixing the responsibilities will be concerned with

A. Planning
B. organizing
C. coordinating
D. staffing
Answer» B. organizing

The process of studying and collecting information relating to the operation and responsibilities of a specific job is known as

A. Job evaluation
B. job analysis
C. job title
D. job identification
Answer» B. job analysis

Physical characteristic s , psychological features , attitude and leadership quality is analyzed through

A. Job evaluation
B. job specification
C. job title
D. job identification
Answer» B. job specification

shifting of an employee from one job to another without special reference to change in responsibility or compensation is known as

A. Transfer
B. Promotion
C. Demotion
D. Separation
Answer» A. Transfer

……………..is the method of elimination

A. Recruitment
B. employment
C. selection
D. appointment
Answer» C. selection

It is an powerful exchange of ideas, the answering of questions, and communicating between two or more persons

A. Communication
B. Exchanging
C. interview
D. recruitment
Answer» C. interview

…………..is a welcoming process through which the employee feels at home

A. Recruitment
B. selection
C. appointment
D. induction
Answer» D. induction

It helps the employees acquainted with jobs and also to increase their aptitudes and skills and knowledge.

A. Training
B. Orientation
C. Eliminating
D. recruiting
Answer» A. Training

Learning by observing and actually doing the job

A. On the job training
B. off the job training
C. in depth training
D. coaching
Answer» A. On the job training

A special area or room is used to give training for large number of person within a short span of time

A. Class room training
B. Internship training
C. apprentice training
D. vestibule training
Answer» D. vestibule training

All formal procedures used in working organization to evaluate personalities and contributions and potential of group members is

A. job designing
B. Job evaluation
C. Merit rating
D. Job planning
Answer» C. Merit rating

Under this method certain categories of abilities are defined in advance such as excellent, verygood, average, poor, very poor, outstanding etc

A. Ranking method
B. Grading method
C. paired comparison method
D. graphic rating scale
Answer» B. Grading method

The technique developed to reduce bias and establish objective standards of comparison between individuals is

A. Forced distribution method
B. Grading method
C. paired comparison method
D. graphic rating scale
Answer» A. Forced distribution method

The method used in government organizations to appraise the employees

A. Ranking method
B. Grading method
C. paired comparison method
D. confidential report
Answer» D. confidential report

The performance is judged in terms of costs and contribution of employees under

A. Behavioral anchored rating scales
B. human resource accounting method
D. Assessment centers
Answer» B. human resource accounting method

The rating of an employee high or low on the basis of general impression.

A. Personal bias
B. In consistent rating
C. average rating
D. halo effect
Answer» D. halo effect

It is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity order and meaning to a person’s life.

A. Career
B. career development
C. career planning
D. none of the above
Answer» A. Career

The formulation and implementation of policies and programmes related to wages, salary, and other forms of employees compensation.

A. Compensation
B. supplementary compensation
C. salary administration
D. none of these
Answer» B. supplementary compensation

…………. Is given to improve motivation and productivity among employees

A. Salary
B. Incentive wages
C. fringe benefits
D. compensation
Answer» B. Incentive wages

Any casual emoluments or profit attached to an office or position in addition to the salaries or wages is

A. Salary
B. perquisites
C. fringe benefits
D. compensation
Answer» B. perquisites

-------Management is concerned worth the peoples dimension in organizations.

A. Human resource
B. Business
C. Banking
D. none of these
Answer» A. Human resource

-------- is a function of management which is connected with instructing guiding and inspiring people in the organization to achieve its objectives

A. Organizing
B. directing
C. staffing
D. controlling
Answer» A. Organizing

……….is a process which verifies whether everything occurs in the organization according to plans

A. planning
B. controlling
C. directing
D. organizing
Answer» B. controlling

…………is a first main operative function of personnel management

A. training
B. selection
C. procurement
D. development
Answer» C. procurement

………. is the process of allocating tasks among its members for achieving organizational objectives

A. Organizing
B. directing
C. staffing
D. controlling
Answer» A. Organizing

…….approach considers employees as a resource in the same way as any other business resource

A. Classical
B. system
C. Harvard
D. none of these
Answer» B. system

A separate department namely …………..department is now setup in all organizations to tackle the problem of personnel in the organization

A. Marketing
B. administration
C. staffing
D. personnel
Answer» D. personnel

…………… is a detailed and systematic study of jobs to know the nature and characteristics of the people to be employed in different kinds of jobs

A. job analysis )
B. job description
C. job enrichment
D. job evaluation)
Answer» A. job analysis )

The results of the job analysis are written in a statement known as ……..

A. Job evaluation
B. job description
C. job specification
D. none of these
Answer» B. job description

…………….is a statement which shows a maximum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job satisfactorily

A. job evaluation
B. job description
C. Job specification
D. none of these
Answer» C. Job specification

Job …………simply means the shifting of an employee from one job to another without any change in the nature of job

A. simplification
B. enlargement
C. rotation
D. enrichment
Answer» C. rotation

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